Cultivating Consistency & Predictability

In the Positive and Engaged Learning Community we explore the concept of being a "warm demander" in our Community Coaching live meetings and in the on-demand course. In this brief activity, we invite you take a look at the Warm Demander chart from Zaretta Hammond’s book Culturally Responsive Teaching published by Corwin Press. Take a moment to identify statements that resonate with you. Then, consider this concrete idea for bringing a warm demander stance to life: a focus on consistency and predictability, which can create opportunities for warm demandingness (is that a word!?) throughout the day. 

In what ways does your learning environment already provide consistency and predictability? Are there well-established routines, clear expectations, morning meetings, daily greetings, daily schedule and monthly calendars, routines for infrequent events like fire drills, birthdays, or guests? How do children know what to expect, even when something unexpected happens? Maybe you have a calm corner, and children know that they can always take space there to move through big feelings. How do you build in warmth consistently and predictability throughout the day, by greeting children, asking them about their day and their families, or in other ways?

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