Complex learners contribute valuable diversity to the classroom… and can introduce behavioral and instructional challenges that schools are not prepared to meet. Attempts to “fix” problems after they are underway are often ineffective, expensive, and stressful for adults and children.  ​

Our consulting work brings school teams together to prevent problems through quality professional development. Our strength-based staff training sessions are interactive, and always include advance and follow-up activities to make content “stick.” We also offer opportunities for administrators to sharpen their own facilitation and meeting design skills and apply them to PD, parent communication, and beyond.

This contextualized approach allows the whole community to thrive by working together to support complex learners proactively. Our core content includes instructional design and delivery, positive behavior supports, and literacy development.

Our Approach

Our Impact

At Filippini Consulting, we work alongside educators and educational organizations, including:

  • Schools (Public, Parochial, and Independent) and School Districts, K-12

  • Title 1, 2, and 4 Equitable Services

  • After school Providers

  • Libraries and Service Providers

  • Educational Programs within museums, regional parks, and local community-based organizations

Keep reading to learn more about the impact we’ve had with past and present clients.

Then set up a call to learn how we can work together.

Workshops & Trainings

  • The morning was a delight -- I loved the mix of group work, small group conversation, physical movement, and visual aids. This all fits so well with how we need to teach our students, so was another great example to staff about what works best with all types of learners. It was great to see all of our staff deeply engaged in your presentation from beginning to end.

    — Head of School

  • Alexis & Erin hit on each & every one of our targets. This is professional development at its best!

    — Reading Resource Teacher

  • This professional development experience was incredible! They covered a ton of material in highly engaging ways and truly modeled UDL in action for our teachers!

    — Teacher

  • I loved the UDL demo lesson on structured word inquiry--so many instructional practices that I can integrate as a math educator

    — Math Resource Teacher

Instructional Coaching

  • Conversations with Coach Ann have helped me plan and reflect on my teaching more effectively. My coach provided me ready-to-use techniques and resources.

    — Elementary School Teacher

  • Even veteran teachers have room for growth! What I valued most about working with my coach was her catered and individualized feedback.

    — Elementary School Teacher

  • The sessions with my coach have been one of my more memorable PD experiences in teaching that I can genuinely use. The individualized feedback has been so helpful & is always full of nuggets that I can apply beginning the next day.

    — Lower School Teacher

  • This is customized coaching, tailored for your specific needs-helps develop areas of teaching that need improvement or more practice.

    — Middle School Teacher

  • I left with some concrete strategies to help me improve how I work with my students.

    — Teacher

  • My coach was able to both work through necessary goals in an educational stand point, organizing the day to day alongside me. She was also fantastic at presenting insightful questions to process through the emotional and physical aspects of being a teacher.

    — Teacher

Leadership Consultation

  • Even if you are hesitant to work with a coach due to concerns with your time, you'll find the time spent working with them will more than pay for itself in your personal growth and effectiveness of the time you do have.

    — Dean of Academics

  • My coach was able to pinpoint my areas of growth, & she stopped to celebrate the areas in which I was thriving. It modeled the leader I want to be for my staff.

    ​— Director of Curriculum and Faculty Growth

  • My coach is incredibly easy to talk to, thoughtful in her engagement with you, and such a great listener. She is a wealth of information and support. From the first session I had with her I left with new ways of thinking about my role as a leader, practical tips and strategies to immediately begin implementing, and an appreciation for all that I already AM in my role.

    — Lower School Director ​

  • I valued my coach's continual check-ins to make sure our time spent together was useful. That was huge! Our sessions always went by way too fast. I really enjoyed having weekly Friday meetings (and homework), it was a nice way to recap and reflect on the week and the action items held me accountable and kept our work together front of mind.

    — Elementary Principal

  • Working with a coach helped me to see the gifts I already bring to the table and to acknowledge the good things that are already coming out of the academics office; at the same time, she was great about having me self-reflect about possible areas of growth in positive, professional manner.

    — Upper School Administrator