The Positive and Engaged Learning Community: Insights


Step into our community for a moment

We’ve had some really insightful Community of Practice meetings. One teacher shared that she really liked having a few colleagues to support her as she launched community agreements in her first year of teaching. 

Here’s a little glimpse into what it’s like to be part of our live community of practice:

Hello PELC Community: 

On Tuesday in our Community of Practice meeting, we had a productive discussion about creating learning agreements, and I wanted to share some insights with all of you.

I was particularly inspired by the discussion around what "Do Your Best" might look like, sound like, and feel like. We acknowledged that it’s okay to make mistakes, that sometimes we need to take a break (or a breath), and that encountering struggle is part of the learning process. And we reminded ourselves how difficult this can be for adults, let alone for students. 

Some of you inquired about lesson plans for community agreements. I have linked two sample lesson plans here and  here, but I also know you all have creative and wonderful ways to do this in your own communities.


Erin Pollack, MFA


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